Howdy! I’m Karl Harborth, the Livestock Specialist based at the District 11 office in Corpus Christi. I am a native of South-Central Texas, specifically Guadalupe County, where I grew up. From an early age, I developed a passion for agriculture and livestock, particularly through my involvement in 4-H. I focused on beef and livestock judging projects, and one of my most cherished experiences was serving on the 1994-95 State 4-H Council.
In terms of education, I earned my Bachelor of Science in Animal Science and subsequently pursued my Master of Science degree, both from Texas A&M University. Seeking further expertise, I ventured to Kansas State University, where I completed my Doctor of Philosophy in Animal Science, specializing in Ruminant Nutrition.
After graduate school, I joined Kansas State University as a livestock specialist for the southeast area. Later, I transitioned to the Louisiana State University Agricultural Center, where I served as the State Beef Specialist. In order to return to my Texas roots, I shifted my focus to consulting as a livestock nutritionist, working closely with producers and feed mills across the south-central United States.
In my role as Livestock Specialist, my primary goal is to assist you in developing and evaluating educational programs and applied research activities that enhance the production efficiency and sustainability of livestock operations in south Texas. My areas of interest encompass cow-calf and stocker nutrition, improving beef carcass quality through genetics and management, and advancing the overall sustainability of south Texas agriculture.
I am eager to collaborate with you, building upon existing programming and expanding wherever our efforts are needed. Please feel free to reach out to me anytime for assistance or support. Together, we can make a meaningful impact!
Karl Harborth, Ph.D.
Livestock Specialist
Texas A&M AgriLife Extension
Corpus Christi, Texas 78406
Office: 361-265-9203
Direct: 361-698-7423