AgriLife Extension Animal Science
Dr. Karl Harborth, is the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Livestock Specialist for the District 11 Office. His goal is to assist you in developing and evaluating educational programs and applied research activities that enhance the production efficiency and sustainability of livestock operations in south Texas. His areas of interest encompass cow-calf and stocker nutrition, improving beef carcass quality through genetics and management, and advancing the overall sustainability of south Texas agriculture.
AgriLife Research Beef Cattle Projects
Dr. Thomas is leading a new research program in beef cattle systems at the Texas A&M AgriLife Research Center in Beeville. This research will be a collaboration with the USDA’s project known as germplasm evaluation (GPE). The project will focus on evaluating Brahman-crosses, Beefmaster, Brangus, and Santa Gertrudis cattle in a subtropical environment.